CPS Certificates

  • Before getting started, you should be aware of the following:

  • If you are on a CPS Windows computer, Chrome and IE will already have the certificate installed. Mac will have the certificate installed in the key chain. All CPS provided machines had both certificates deployed by their respective management platforms. Instructions provided is for non-CPS provided machines.
  • Disclaimer: ITS does not provide support for non-CPS devices and all insturctional material is for convenience purposes. You must also have authorization from your school before connecting to the CPS network with personal devices.

Certificate Install Instructions

Non-CPS Windows Computer

Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal Windows computer.

Chrome Instructions Firefox Instructions IE Instructions


Non-CPS Mac Computer

Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal Mac computer.




Non-CPS Chromebook - Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal Chromebook.




Non-CPS iPhone/iPad - Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal iPhone or iPad.




Non-CPS Android - Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal Mac computer.
